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Are you tired of having frustrating conversations?

Do people seem more angry and defensive
than they used to?

The secret to good communication is not common sense. 
I'll teach you how to convince people that your ideas are worth listening to.

Stellar Communication Coach

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Coaching is not a necessity.

Everyone experiences communication issues and there are a ton articles and courses written to help you become a better communicator. So why aren't all these free resources working for you?


Coaching is a luxury.

Not everyone needs coaching. Coaching is for people who want to level up quickly and confidently. People are like stars and there are billions of them out there all competing to be seen. So how do you get noticed in all this brilliance? You have to do more than shine brightly, you have to go supernova.

You want to be a star?

Get coaching.


You want to be stellar?

Get Cosmic Coaching. 


Ineffective communication creates misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and unnecessary conflict. It also creates an incredible lag in your career trajectory.


Not getting the results you want? The secret to good communication is not common sense. Effective communication is a specialized skill that takes practice.


First, I'll help you identify your personal communication patterns.


Then, I'll help you identify theirs.

As a certified practitioner of both Emergenetics and Myers-Briggs Type, I have developed an advanced acumen in personality theory and neuroscience applications for coaching engagements which accelerate personal growth and broaden one’s professional capacity.  In coaching, I share the depth of my expertise in effective communication strategies, navigating difficult conversations, developing presence, and self-awareness techniques, among many others.  In addition to being a coach, I am an accomplished adult educator and Instructional Designer.  I have trained and mentored many careers into their executive roles.

My Credentials:

  • I am an ICF-Certified Executive + Life Coach with 15 years of progressive experience working in local government.

  • I possess a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management and 100+ post-graduate hours in the field of Organizational Psychology.

  • I am an Emotional Intelligence Coach, helping you leverage your strengths to overcome your most challenging moments.

  • I am an NLP Coach, helping you reshape your mind to change the way you think.

  • I am an Emergenetics Coach, helping you craft the most influential messages that others will find compelling and engaging.

  • I am a Dreamwork Coach, because without your dreams how will you find the motivation to launch into your next big thing?

  • I am an Myers-Briggs Type Coach, because understanding how you're wired gives you expansive control over your social influence.

  • I am certified to Coach Using Multiple Models, combining the Myers' Whole Type preferences, Berens' Interaction Styles model, Keirsey's Temperament model, and Beebe's Cognitive Processes model, because you are a complex and unique human being.

  • I have completed a 22-week Neuroscience for Change workshop to better understand somatic influences on human behaviors in the workplace.

  • I founded Cosmic Coaching LLC in 2017 for private clients seeking a new launching point for their most successful leap into their intentionally-designed future.

  • To see some of my Instructional Design work, please visit my portfolio site, Cosmic XP.


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